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GT Sun & Shade Mixture contains 40% Perennial Ryegrass, 30% Kentucky Bluegrass and 30% Creeping Red Fescue.  This all-purpose, cost-effective, and low maintenance grass seed mix is great for residential lawns because of its variety of seeds which are perfect for both sunny and shaded areas.


Perennial Ryegrass provides rapid germination, wear resistance, recuperative ability, as well as winter hardiness and transition zone adaption.


Kentucky Bluegrass is great for wear tolerance, vigorous recuperative ability, and broad-based disease resistance while maintaining high summer density.


CREEPING RED FESCUE provides germination, tolerance, and durability in shaded areas.


USE ON residential lawns, athletic fields, municipal and community parks, golf courses, and other high-traffic areas.


Application Rate:

  • 5 lbs per 1,000 sq. ft. (ex. if you have 10,000 sq ft to seed, purchase a 50 lb bag).
  • When seeding new lawn and/or overseeding existing lawn, use with starter fertilizer.


When To Apply: 

  • Spring and fall, between 60°F and 80°F, are the best times to seed, but can be used anytime during the growing season, applicable to your region. 
  • Grass seed germinates when soil temperatures are consistently above 50°F. This roughly corresponds to daytime air temperatures between 60°F and 75°F. 
  • If grass seed is applied in fall, any ungerminated grass seeds will remain dormant throughout winter, then germinate when soil temperatures reach 50°F in spring.


Germination Time:

  • Germination of the grass seed mixture will start between 5-7 days and continue through 21 days. Grass seed will continue to thicken throughout growing season.


Burlingham Seeds GT Sun & Shade Mix (40% Ryegrass, 30% Fescue, 30% Bluegrass)


For any questions, please give us a call at (262) 534-3334. We look forward to hearing from you!

Pendelton Turf Supply

805 Ela Avenue

Waterford, WI 53185

 262-534-3334 (Phone)

262-534-2990 (Fax)

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