Complete broad spectrum professional herbicide for weed control in turf and ornamentals. Proven broad spectrum control in turf and ornamental applications. Mixes readily with water and tank mix compatible with registered products. Always apply the higher rate of this product per acre within recommended ranges when weed growth is heavy or dense.
Product Type: Professional
Use Sites: Nursery, Greenhouse, Landscape, Turf, Non-Crop Areas, Golf Courses
Effective Against: annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses
Active Ingredients: Glyphosate 41%
Brand Alternative: Round Up ProMax®
This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user and/or buyer to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state and/or local area. Reference manufacturer’s website, if applicable, to verify product registration.
Quali-Pro Glyphosate Plus
Additional Information
EPA Registration Number