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Triad TZ Select™ contains four active ingredients, with two modes of action to provide dependable post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds. It controls the listed annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall and fine fescues. Triad TZ Select™ is quickly taken up by the leaves and stems of plants and weed growth ceases within hours. The weed control effects may be seen within a few hours to a few days after application. Weed death occurs in 1 to 4 weeks after application, depending on the application rate, sensitivity of the weed, and environmental conditions.



  • Excellent post-emergent activity with proven rapid and effective weed control performance for some of the toughest broadleaf weeds in turfgrass such as dandelion, spurge, white clover, plantains, ground ivy, Virginia buttonweed and wild violet. Labelled for the suppression of yellow nutsedge.
  • Exhibits improved cool-weather performance.
  • Generally rainfast in as little as three hours.


2,4-D - 31.82%
Triclopyr - 8.40%
Dicamba - 2.43%
Sulfentrazone - 0.73%


This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user and/or buyer to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state and/or local area. Reference manufacturer’s website, if applicable, to verify product registration.



Albaugh Triad TZ Select

PriceFrom $34.95

For any questions, please give us a call at (262) 534-3334. We look forward to hearing from you!

Pendelton Turf Supply

805 Ela Avenue

Waterford, WI 53185

 262-534-3334 (Phone)

262-534-2990 (Fax)

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